Kathi Lengel's Workshop Helpers

Resumé: Kathi Lengel

Kathleen M. Lengel
9 Latisquama Road
Southborough, MA 01772
(508) 481-2869

Professional Experience

Technology Integration Specialist: Massachusetts Elementary School Principals' Association Technology Center, October 2000 to present. Deliver training, member services, and serve on the curriculum committee for the Gates' Challenge Grant with representatives from the partners including Harvard Graduate School of Education, TERC, EDC, MASS, and Mass NetWorks.

International Consultant:
Apple Europe, August and November 1998, April + November 1999, Fall 2000. Working with Apple Distinguished educators/trainers in London, Scotland, Brussels, Paris, Sweden, and Berlin to further Apple technology integration. Developed and delivered workshops, provided ongoing support.

Professional Development Trainer
, Apple Computer, June 1996 to present. Delivered Apple Learning Professional Development courses across the country to teachers and administrators in 27 states. Courses included: Technology and Curriculum Integration, Multimedia and Curriculum Integration, Internet and Curriculum Integration, eMate and Curriculum Integration, Leadership Workshops, Elementary Curriculum Connections. Two and three days courses delivered to teams of teachers on a Macintosh and/or Windows platform.

Internet, e-mail, HyperStudio, AppleWorks 6, FileMaker HomePage, PageMill, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Ofoto, QuickTime, iMovie, QuickTime VR, and all applications in the 2000 Apple Learning Series kits, are among the software applications with which I am proficient. Also proficient with the following hardware: Macintosh OS 9, Windows, scanners, digital cameras, digital video, video camera, LCD panel, and various printers.

Online mentor and manager, Apple Learning Professional Development online, March 1999 to present. Provide online mentoring to students in the ALPDO online course, Intro to iMac and Apple Learning Series courses. Select, manage, and provide support to mentors for all ALPDO online courses. Daily forum responsibilities responding to student questions and comments, providing support to team of seven mentors.

Principal, Margaret A. Neary School, Southborough, Massachusetts, 1988-1996. Led all phases of the elementary school of 460 students. Supervised a staff of fifty-nine. Responsibilities included evaluation and supervision, curriculum development, physical plant, scheduling, bussing, parent and community relations. Developed a Mentor Program for students, created a a climate of inclusion for all students, dramatically increased use of appropriate technology and parent involvement.

Principal, Washington Village School, Washington, Vermont, 1985-88. Led all phases of elementary/middle school of 118 students. Supervised 12 professional staff. Responsible for all aspects of school operation including supervision and evaluation, discipline, curriculum, transportation and policy development. Successfully turned school around through new staffing patterns, program development and improved school climate. Led school through its first public school self-evaluation and improvement process.

Director of Elementary Curriculum, South Royalton, Vermont, 1984-85. Responsible for teacher evaluation, development of school improvement self-assessment, and program development in the elementary wing of a K-12 school. Supervised 10 teachers and 4 support staff.

Classroom teacher, Brookfield and Chelsea, Vermont 1980-83. Third and second grades respectively. Special curriculum leadership work in science, computers, and multi-age project development.

Director, Montpelier Child Development Center, Montpelier, Vermont, 1978-1980. Responsible for all phases of Head Start Day Care Center serving three to five year-olds. Supervised staff of seven. Responsibilities included teaching, parent involvement, social services, and fiscal management.

Head Teacher, Elm Hill School, Plainfield, Vermont, 1976-78. Responsible for the education of eight, emotionally disturbed children, aged seven to fourteen. Successfully led the school through the process of gaining approval as a private school in the State of Vermont.

Related Experience

Presenter, Indiana State Technology Conference. Fall, 1998. Keynote presentation: Technology Integration.

Teacher , Fitchburg State College,
Massachusetts Elementary School Principals' Association, Marlboro, MA, July 1998, 1999, 2000. Developed and taught one week, 3-credit, graduate level course on Integrating the Internet into the curriculum. Cross platform using web design software.

Teacher, Buffalo, New York, July 1998. Developed and delivered one week course on integrating multimedia into the curriculum. Cross platform project-based. Participants developed multimedia slide shows, HyperStudio stacks and web pages.

Teacher and Consultant
, Brookline, Massachusetts, Fall 1996 to present. Internet for Educators Course, Lincoln School, Fall 1996 and ClarisWorks for Kids Course, Fall 1997. Developed and taught 12-hour introductory courses including searching and browsing, building web pages, integrating ClarisWorks for Kids into elementary classrooms.

Ongoing consulting with the Classrooms of Tomorrow in Brookline, a group of teachers with technology rich classrooms. Bimonthly meetings and classroom visits.

Presenter, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, New Hampshire, November 1995. Presented a hands-on workshop to administrators introducing word processing, spreadsheets, layout, slide show and telecommunications.

Presenter, Integrating Technology into the School, an EDCO-sponsored conference, Craigville, MA, October 1995. Taught principals how to use productivity tools in their daily work.

Presenter, Apple Computer Schools of Tomorrow series, November - March 1993-94. Developed and presented session on technology for principals to audiences totaling 800.


Author: Mobile Computing and Curriculum Integration. Course work for Apple Staff Development training, published Fall 1999. Course integrates the iBook as a tool for distributed learning.

Author: Apple Learning Professional Development Online. Online courses:
Works 101, Internet in the Classroom,Multimedia in the Classroom, Advanced Word Processing with AppleWorks, Microsoft Office 101, Advanced Word Processing with Microsoft Word, Introduction to Apple Learning Interchange,Introduction to iMac, Intro to iMovie, Intro to iBook

  • Author: Apple Learning Series kit online courses, publication July 2000. Nine online courses to help teachers get started with a combined total of over 50 new applications. These courses include K-3 Curriculum, 3-6 Curriculum, K-6 Web Publishing, 6-12 Web Publishing, Teacher Productivity, K-6 Multimedia, Secondary Multimedia, Secondary Math and Science, Secondary Language Arts and Social Studies. Interactive, project-based online courses for Apple Computer. These can be seen at http://ali.apple.com/nshelp/welcome.htm.

    Development Team:
    Apple Learning Interchange. Developed the Apple Staff Development Section of ALI, wrote and posted the Step Sheets in the Staff Development follow through area, manage the Learning Projects on the site.
    Can be viewed at http://ali.apple.com

    eMate and Curriculum Integration: Course work for Apple Staff Development training, published in February, 1998. Course integrates the eMate as a tool for distributed learning.

    nternet Curriculum Connections Bundle Teachers' Guide: a 70-page document for teachers including curriculum units, step sheets, and classroom materials to be used in conjunction with software that supports exploring, collaborating and publishing on the Internet, January 1998. Revised the bundle and combined with Web Page Construction Kit, December 1998.

    Co-author:Webmaster Advisor's Guide. Published by Apple Computer and the American Schools Directory, May 1997. Online guide for schools developing their own websites. Can be viewed at http://www.asd2.com/resources/advisor.html

    Author: Internet and Curriculum Integration Course, Apple Computer, published April, 1997. Developed course work for Staff Development training. Developed web-based course that included trainer materials, handouts and web links.

    Author: Internet for Educators, Leader's Guide, Apple Computer, Fall 1996. Developed all leader materials and activities for introductory course on the Internet. 60 page document to accompany Apple Staff Development product.

    Buddy Project brochure and materials. Publications to support the Buddy Project, a program in Indiana that provides technology and support for home use by fourth and fifth grade students. Over 6000 students involved. Publications include an introductory brochure, and follow-up materials on a monthly basis on the Internet web site.

    Author: Getting Started with Technology, Family! magazine, June 1996. Feature article.

    Master of Education Degree, University of Vermont, 1985. Focus on administration and planning. Study included curriculum and research, school law, policy development, business management, program and teacher evaluation.

    Bachelor of Science Degree, Southern Connecticut State College, 1971. Early Childhood Education major, Art education minor.

    Graduate Course work
    Collaborative Negotiations, University of Vermont
    Teachers' Institute on the Constitution
    Vermont Leadership Academy
    Towards Excellence Training
    Coaching Teachers Course
    Cooperative Learning, University of Minnesota
    Skillful Teacher
    Brain-based Learning

    Organizations and Memberships
    Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, since 1985
    Massachusetts Elementary School Principals Association, since 1994

    Community Service
    Board Member, Southborough Youth Commission, 1988-1966, appointed.
    Trustee, Pilgrim Church, Southborough, MA 1992-94, elected.
    Volunteer, Our Father's Table, 1992 to present.
    Sunday School Superintendent, Pilgrim Church, 1999 to present, elected.

Teacher links

Step cards


Kathi Lengel
